
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I'm enjoying Thankful Thursdays because it gets me to write every week, and since I have endless things to be thankful for, I can't see running out of something to say.

This week I have been thankful for how "easy" Kinsey is.  I get asked a bunch if she's ever fussy, which of course she is, but I like that Kinsey is usually happy.  I have also been blessed in the area of sleep, because she still sleeps 9-10 hours at night and naps 3-4 times a day, without much fuss.

It's incredibly tempting to wonder when it will get tough.  I would rather just be thankful for how things are right now than worry about what is to come.  That's such a negative outlook, but it seems to come so naturally.

Since we're on the topic of her, in true Sarah fashion, here is a recent picture!  More to come on Tuesday when she hits 5 months!

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