
Thursday, April 29, 2010


I am so excited that I have to post.  Sunday and Monday night Kinsey went four hours at a time sleeping at night.  On Wednesday night she woke up every 3 hours, and after being sick I was completely exhausted yesterday.  Then last night she did a 5 hour span!  Whoooppeee!  I feel like a new person.  It's amazing what a little sleep can do.

On another front, I just had a Facebook conversation about going back to work.  My friend who is also a nurse said,  "I love being a young professional woman who can balance work and be a mother and wife at the same time. I feel so accomplished at the end of the day."  I love this.  She is an inspiration for me, in light of going back to work.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

5 hour stretches are wonderful! Judah been doing that for a few days now and it's great. My trick - I feed him around 6, then again at 8, then again at 11. All those feed before bed kind of fill him up so he can last a little longer. Have you read "secrets of the baby whisperer"? she talks about doing that. I haven't read the whole thing, but my sister-in-law swears by it.