
Friday, May 30, 2008

If I was a college student...

...it would make a lot more sense why I am wide awake at 1:30 am.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The job, the dogs, and sleep

Ok, the job...LOVE IT! It is stress-free! It really is. It can get busy sometimes, but the busyness does not equal stress. It's great! The hours are good, the people I'm working with are easy to get along with, and did I mention, it's stress-free??? I doubt I'll be able to advance pay-wise nearly as well as if I was working in the hospital, but for now I'm satisfied. Apparently the employees haven't had any increases since they started a little over a year ago. That's a little discouraging, but who knows what the future holds.

The dogs...MUCH improved. We started shock collar training on Monday, and it's going very well. It's not used as punishment like I thought, it's an attention-getter when giving a command. And the dogs are already behaving better without the collar, too.

Sleep...why am I so sleepy all the time? I went to the gym yesterday after work and I'm hoping, without much hope, that exercise will help. I've tried using exercise in the past to help with sleep...actually to help me sleep better at night, but without success. So I'm not so optimistic that it will help me be more awake. The good news is I slept like a baby last night without any taking any medication. That rarely happens. But I was super sleepy on the way to work this morning, and sleepy now and I'm supposed to go to YM tonight. I wish I wanted to go, but I just want to sleep! But I should go.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Aha! Moments

Been feeling introverted lately. Crowds exhaust me. But by myself or just one or two others and life is good. I think this is my opportunity to spend more time with the Lord and build a closer relationship. It's been a while since I've felt much desire to be alone with Him so I'm grateful. And when I say a while, I mean a while. I've been feeling bad that I was always the "tired one" at group stuff lately, but now it's making more sense. It wasn't just my night schedule.

I love "Aha!" moments.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Got It!

I was offered the job this morning and I accepted! I start the 19th of May. Woo hoo!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

On a More Serious Note

So I had my interview yesterday and I thought it went really well. She said to call her tomorrow if I hadn't heard from her yet. I'm a little bummed I didn't get a call today but we'll see how it goes tomorrow. I will keep you posted...literally.

I Know You're Curious

Well, Rachael tagged me about my purse contents. First of all, I'll have to change this to "pocketbook" contents. Because I have to keep my Southern loyalties--we carry pocketbooks, not purses.

Anyways, I know everyone is DYING to know what is in there.


Mini clipboard







Saline vial

Saline inhalation solution

Alcohol wipes

2 pudding cups


McDonalds Barbeque sauce


Saline syringe

Icebreakers Raspberry sours



If you didn't already figure it out, I am using my work bag as my pocketbook right now. So half the contents came from emptying my pockets out at work at the end of my last shift.

Now you can all breathe a sigh of relief because you know what is in my pocketbook.

So now I'll tag Leatrice because she's the only one I can think of who will actually do this.