
Monday, June 13, 2011

Zucchini Coming Out of My Ears!

Note to self...you do not need to plant 3 zucchini plants next year!

Over the last 3 days I have picked 5 zucchini.  Yesterday I tried to make a pizza/quiche type recipe that had zucchini in the crust.  It was kind of gross.  Today I made a zucchini chowder so we will see how this turns out.  I could actually be a good cook if I wanted to because I know how to.  It just is a lot of effort for a couple of people who aren't into eating big or extravagant meals.  We're pretty content with Hamburger Helper.  BUT I planted my vegetables this year to try to get into cooking a little bit more with fresh ingredients, so I am trying.  If nothing else at least I feel like I am putting a little more effort into the health of my family, even if sometimes it turns out to be a flop.

Cucumbers are getting close to being harvested too...now what to do with those besides put them in salad (which I don't care much for)????


Leatrice said...

ok so I don't like cucumbers either, so I have no clue there, but EvaMarie has a GREAT zucchini soup type recipe. I have no idea what it's called, but I think you'd really like it. You should ask her for the recipe. :)

Anna said...

I have made zucchini bread, it's pretty comparable to banana bread so if you like banana bread, I can give you the recipe. Also, I like cucumbers with lime juice and salt, my girls really like cucumbers like this as well. :)

Katie Sue said...

I love zucchini! I eat it raw or sautee it with chicken and put it on baked potatoes. I also have some easy zucchini pasta recipes if you want them :)